Mother, Mary W. Oliver
Assistant Jurisdictional Supervisor Department of Women Mother Mary W. Oliver​
Mother Mary W. Oliver is a native of Malvern, Arkansas. She was born to Silas and Carrie Sue Smith Williams on November 21, 1959. She is a second-generation Church of God in Christ member. After graduating from Malvern High School, she attended Henderson State University in Arkadelphia, Arkansas where she obtained a B.S.B.A. degree in Business Administration with a minor in Business Management. On October 29, 1983 she married the love of her life,
Superintendent John E. Oliver, Sr. They have been blessed with 3 children - Eric, John, Jr. and Precious Siovian – 7 grandchildren and 2 great-grandchildren.
Mother Oliver was saved in the year of 1976 under the leadership of the late Superintendent R. N. Sanders in Malvern, Arkansas at the West End Church of God in Christ. She currently serves with her husband in the ministry at the Victory Way Church of God in Christ that they founded in 1991 located in Bearden, Arkansas.
She has served in various civic and religious capacities locally as well as on the Jurisdictional and National level of the Church of God in Christ. She has served as District Missionary for the past 35 years.
Mother Oliver was selected to serve as Assistant Jurisdictional Supervisor by Supervisor Geneva Daniel and approved to serve by the Jurisdictional Prelate, the Honorable Bishop J. E. Williams. On November 10, 2017 Mother Oliver was officially consecrated Assistant Jurisdictional Supervisor for Arkansas Fourth Jurisdiction in St. Louis, Missouri during the International Holy Convocation by General Supervisor, Mother Barbara McCoo Lewis. Mother Oliver loves God and enjoys serving people.